IT in Manufacturing

Why "IT in Manufacturing"

Information technology (IT) is integral to modern manufacturing, offering a multitude of benefits that enhance efficiency, streamline processes, and drive innovation. From advanced automation systems and real-time data analytics to predictive maintenance and seamless supply chain management, IT solutions are transforming manufacturing operations. These technologies enable manufacturers to optimise production, reduce downtime, and improve overall product quality, making IT an essential component in achieving competitive advantage and operational excellence in the manufacturing sector.

Selected Articles

Over the years, I have authored numerous articles for various publications about the pivotal role of IT in the manufacturing industry.

Driven by a desire to find news ways that IT can add value, I have found immense satisfaction in writing these short articles. This journey has not only allowed me to share some insights along the way, but has also deepened my own understanding of the field.

In late 2023, as Generative AI emerged as another transformative and highly disruptive factor, I started investigating this more closely. I have arranged my AI in Manufacturing material in a separate category.

Navigating disruption

Navigating disruption in manufacturing

Over the years, I’ve written several articles on IT in manufacturing. Reflecting on these as we start 2024, I realise that most revolve around applying technology to real-world challenges in plants and mines.

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